Tuition Assistance
How to apply for tuition assistance
Applications for the 2024-2025 school year must be submitted by August 1, 2024. Call the school if that date has passed and you need tuition assistance. The amount of tuition assistance awarded is based on a family’s need and available funds.
- Everyone applying for tuition assistance must apply through Confidential Financial Services (Use School ID 52211)
- Everyone must also fill out the Opportunity Scholarship Application. HCS has partnered with Opportunity Scholarship Fund (OSF) to provide assistance to families.
- Other scholarship opportunities are the Lindsey Nicole Henry and the Jim and Shirley Suttle scholarships. You will have to read their requirements to see if you may qualify for one of these scholarships.

Opportunity Scholarship Fund
I would like for everyone involved with Hillsdale Christian School to take two minutes of your time and go to the Opportunity Scholarship Fund website. They provide scholarships to low income students who attend participating private schools (HCS is one of them). Oklahoma gives a very generous tax credit for these donations.
In most cases you will receive all or nearly all of your donation back in the form of a tax credit. Hillsdale Christian School benefits by being able to offer these scholarships to children who otherwise may not be able to attend our school.
Please follow these simple steps:
1. Go to
2. Click on the “Donate” tab in the main menu. (This will not obligate you to donate.)
3. There are then four questions to be answered. I suggest you choose the two year commitment, so that you can get the 75% tax credit.
4. Once the questions are answered, you will know how much out of pocket expense this donation, if you decide to proceed, will cost you.
Thank you for your time,
Jeff Hoffsommer